XHTML Test Suite Minimal document

We will be faced to the problem of the minimal document. So we need a 
first battery of documents with errors and with good structure to 
test browsers, parsers, etc. (also xml parsers, because xhtml is also 
an xml document).

And we will have to define the minimal document that will contains 
the test for others elements.

So, what will be the Minimal document.

The recommendation gives as a minimal example for an xhtml document.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html
      PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
     <title>Virtual Library</title>
     <p>Moved to <a href="http://vlib.org/">vlib.org</a>.</p>

It's also easy to define at the same time the Test Suite for HTML 
4.01 if we do the XHTML 1.0

for XHTML 1.0
I. Minimal Document
	- Strict
	- Transitional
	- Frameset
	- Processing instructions
	- Character encoding
	- Bogus Document
		without namespaces, without, root element, etc.
	- Namespace uses

II. Documents XHTML specific
	- Wellformed
	- Lowercase for attributes and elements
	- End tags requirements
	- quoted attributes values
	- Attributes minimization
	- Empy Elements
	- white space handling
	- SGML exclusions
	- elements with id  and name attributes

From this part, we should build test as we will do for html 4.01 but
will XHTML requirements in syntax. So we may use the table of 
contents of html 4.01.

5.	HTML Document Representation - Character sets, character 
encodings, and entities
6.	Basic HTML data types - Character data, colors, lengths, 
URIs, content types, etc.
7.	The global structure of an HTML document - The HEAD and BODY 
of a document
8.	Language information and text direction - International 
considerations for text
9.	Text - Paragraphs, Lines, and Phrases
10.	Lists - Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists
11.	Tables
12.	Links - Hypertext and Media-Independent Links
13.	Objects, Images, and Applets
14.	Style Sheets - Adding style to HTML documents
15.	Alignment, font styles, and horizontal rules
16.	Frames - Multi-view presentation of documents
17.	Forms - User-input Forms: Text Fields, Buttons, Menus, and more
18.	Scripts - Animated Documents and Smart Forms

Karl Dubost - http://www.la-grange.net/
Près de vous, madame, oubliant les cieux,
L'astronome étonné se trouble;
C'est dans l'éclat caressant de vos yeux,
Qu'il avait cru trouver l'étoile double.
Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Tuesday, 24 October 2000 08:50:06 UTC